
The given report is concerned or associated with the ethical dilemma that occurred in a business organization. These issues have been considered in the given report in relation to an educational institution. As such, research has been conducted in relation to the students pursuing an education there from taking the folders provided to them timely. In every organization be it an educational institution or profit-oriented organization. A simulation is basically doing the same math problem over and over again using the numbers researcher got from the last instance. Keeping this thing into consideration, simulation has been performed keeping the open or not open the folder. In the given case, the simulation has been performed on 36 students. Because ultimately, everything in the computer is just electricity having to travel through cables and circuits for at most only a few feet. Real life involves interactions over a much larger distance and with far slower actors. However, there is nothing that makes a simulation “more real” than reality. Try to reason with yourself what property exists in the real world that marks it distinctly as real as opposed to a Matrix simulation, and one will realize there is nothing. 

Body 1 why did I choose to open or not open the folder?

Opening the folder will increase the knowledge base of the students pursuing different courses of concerned college. However, through the simulation process, it has come to the notice that most of the students are not interested in opening the folder. On enquiring with students that it has come to the mind that they consider opening the folder simply as a waste of time. They are of the opinion that opening the folder of not so much important (Crane, & Matten, 2016). It does not matter, because the matter is just something that the researcher or data analyst can interact with, weigh, throw around, etc, all of which can be simulated. It’s not energy for the same reasons.

If the concerned research team does exist as a simulation, they have no way of determining the nature of anything outside that simulation. Given the scale of the universe, it’s highly unlikely that taking decision would be the focus (Nganga & Nyongesa, 2012). As such one can hardly assume that anyone outside the simulation would be remotely like them or other professional statisticians. All the members of the research team can’t even assume that physics would behave the same way in their universe. In short, their limits would not necessarily be the same as our limit.

Body2 why did I choose to open or not open the folder?

Majority of the people on which research has been conducted have shown interest and accordingly have recommended not opening the folder (Hogan and Coote, 2014). This suggests that students of the concerned university are not interested in opening the folder due to a shortage of time. With such visualization of reality, the believers in the computer simulation model would opt for a less materialistic style of living as they see all other serious reactions are the consequence of implanted logarithm by the designers of the simulation and therefore laughable.

The other advantage of simulations is that they can be preloaded with certain sets of assumptions, and start and stop time as needed. In other words, one can be preloaded with data that would allow thinking they’d been around for billions of years when in fact they’d only a few hours or have the entire simulation shut down for a few decades without ever being able to tell. Information is what one person obtain or receive in the forms of bits, symbols, figures or other facts which could be described as things, objects, motions, events or working systems.

Body 3 Real world organization implication. What organization would encourage opening the folder.

The organization will apply the outcome derived from the test performed so that they can apply the outcomes derived therefrom in the decision making process. People “nest” virtual machines inside other virtual machines all the time. It’s slow, but for simple stuff like b services, there’s usually enough CPU (Roberts, 1984). There can be generally two types of simulation namely, Monte-Carlo simulation and stochastic simulation. Both have some advantages and limitations. Considering all the concerned pros and cons, in the given set of data Monte-Carlo simulation has been taken so as to observe the pattern of opening the folder of students.

The only difference between reality and a perfect simulation of reality is that the former might contain “all that exists” whereas the latter is definitely a subset of a larger “real world”. Some physicists have speculated that we are living in a computer simulation, based on good science (Akram, et. al., 2012). They have become nearer to spiritual gurus. They realize that the participating intelligent biological units in this interactive computer game are nothing but players who are programmed to seek higher scores to advance survival and intellectual growth. Such advancement or attainment of higher score would ultimately lead to the biological Intelligence evolving into nonbiological sustainable and powerful AI.


From the discussion throughout the report, it can be concluded that there is a need to explain the relevance and importance of the knowledge that can be gained from various tool and techniques. However, the first and foremost step needed to increase and expand the knowledge base is opening the folder.

Simulations show increasing successes as more and more advanced jobs can now be done by computers. While some people might point to the divergence of saying weather forecasts from the true conditions as evidence that the universe is not like a simulation, chaos theory shows that deterministic systems will diverge due to subtle changes. Our resolution is not perfect. However, the weather system simulation by itself could continue to run and show weather patterns occurring indefinitely. Just because one can’t match reality exactly, does not mean it’s not equivalent to a simulation. Our minds are much the same, simulating the reality of the future or past. Generally, simulation acts more “real” than what actually happens, so much so that encountering reality has special names like “awakening”.


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  • Crane, A., & Matten, D. (2016). Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press
  • Hogan, S.J. and Coote, L.V., 2014. Organizational culture, innovation, and performance: A test of Schein& 39;s model. Journal of Business Research, 67(8), pp.1609-1621.
  • Irani, F. N. A. H., & Noruzi, M. R., 2012. Globalization and Challenges; What are the globalization’s contemporary issues? International Journal of Humanities and Social Science.
  • Nganga, M. J., & Nyongesa, W. J., 2012. The Impact of Organisational Culture on Performance of Educational Institutions. International Journal of Business and Social Science.
  • Roberts, J. (1984). The moral character of management practice. Journal of Management Studies 21(3):287–302.