Content Analysis (Reflective Journal) Assignment Help


Content analysis is that tool which is used to evaluate and determine the existence of some words, concepts, and themes within certain qualitative data. By using content analysis, researchers can analyze and identify the meanings, presence, and relationship of content which is described in the weeks from 1 to 11. It provides various benefits to researchers who consider and offer valuable cultural insights over time with the assistance of the analysis of texts. The report is based on analyzing the week’s content and what is learned in these weeks also discussed.


The background of the report is based upon analyzing and evaluating weekly lectures from 1 to 11 and also develops concise content analysis which is summarising the theoretical concepts that contained. In this, each week consists of four points which include important topics covered, appropriate examples, most important information about content, and what have I learned. In these weeks, different topics are discussed along with their importance (Amado, et. al., 2015). The content analysis helps in systematically examining the patterns of communication. Internet and web design learn this week which helps in increasing knowledge of learners about how to use the internet and another digital system correctly.

Content analysis (Reflective journals)

Week 1:

In this week, the main topic which has been covered is the introduction of the internet and web design. As per the evaluation, the internet is the worldwide collection of computers that are link together for use by companies, individuals for communication. The important topics are the internet and its key terms; identify internet protocols, types, and purpose of websites, wireless for the target audience and so more (Bengtsson, 2016).

For example, companies and individuals use the internet for developing effective web designing so that such an organization gains high success and growth in the large market place.

The most useful information which is gained from this content is how to do graphic designing that helps the company in appealing their customers towards their products and services. Secondly, HTML elements can be enhanced by the use of attributes that outline the additional characteristics and properties of the element.

In week 1, I have learned various things which include how to use the internet and its key characteristics evaluation while working in the company. I learned that the internet helps businesses to grow and gain success. I also learned that how protocols help to store required resources and files for the websites. I consider that the development of web designing is important for attracting desired clients towards the company.

Week 2:

Some important topics which are covered this week include how to manage website files, use of HTML5 semantic elements, determine elements to use when setting the structure of the webpage, design of the semantic webpage, and webpage template.

For example, designing of website is an important task for every business, and this if they hire skilled employees so they can easily formulate and develop attractive websites to gain the attention of potential clients.

The important information about the content is that it helps in describing and evaluating the designing of websites along with different steps. By this, an individual can acquire knowledge on how to make a presentable website that attracts more customers to the organization’s services and products (Gros, et. al., 2016).

I have learned various new concepts this week such as website designing, site mapping and so more which helps me in increasing my skills and abilities. This topic assists me in future time and I can easily develop a website that attracts clients. I also evaluated how to manage how necessary and important files in folder and subfolders carefully.

Week 3:

The important topics covered in this week involve types of hyperlinks, describe image file formats, image tag, and its attributes, class elements, describe the use of HTML heading tags, types of lists related to the HTML documents, valid links.

For example, the company makes an attractive website with the help of add some relevant links and images that gain the attention of customers. It is that way that assists in attracting clients and also develops customers’ requirements of the website along with images and referred links.

The most useful information about the content this week is that it discusses how to enhancing and make website appealing which develops an effective customer base of the firm. The data related to add some links which present the website more attractive and popular among the clients are described in this content (Hanseth, et. al., 2016). There are different forms of links that can be used by a company such as relative link, absolute link, image link, email link, and telephone link.

This week, I have learned how to increase website links and images for enhancing the growth and goodwill of an organization. I evaluated that various links could be used by users to make their webpage more attractive and great looking that gain more clients.

Week 4:

The main topics that have been covered in the content of week 4 are about the cascading style sheets (CSS) on web pages. The syntax, properties, types and values of CSS are being covered in the content for applying them in websites for a better presentation of the websites and making it attractive.

The cascading style sheet is of three kinds. which are inline- be written in one line, embedded- along with Html, external- separate file of CSS code. There are various properties of CSS. For instance- font colour, font style, background colour, font size, opacity, picture background, transparency, etc.

The major and most relevant things in the content are the properties and values of the CSS code to make the website more attractive and dynamic for the user. The CSS style the website appearance for the user and make it beautiful for use. It also adds the attractiveness which grabs the attention of the user (Mashal, et. al., 2015).

I learnt various aspects and types of CSS to be used in web design and development. I also learnt about the properties, selectors and padding of margins in the content of week 4. I learnt about the various kinds of CSS types and how to use them in various contexts.

Week 5:

The main topics that have been covered in the content are the responsive designs for the mobile devices in which the pros, cons, principles, layouts, flexibility, etc. the responsive designs should be compatible for the screen of mobile devices which vary from device to device.

The responsive design means a similar experience for surfing a website regardless of the device being used. The responsive design can be of three modes, for example, tablet, mobile phone and desktop screen. The formatting and layout differ from the aspect of the device being used in opening the website.

The most important, useful and relevant information about the content is to design a responsive website which can deal with the different layouts and screen composition of mobile devices, tablets and desktop (Nguyen, et. al., 2015). The responsive design can be achieved for mobile devices using various layouts, principles and flexible approach in the web designing and development.

I learnt various kinds of approach in designing and development of responsive designs for the use of mobile devices as well as for tablets and desktops with no difference whatsoever. I also learnt the elements and controls for creating responsive designs from the content to access the websites in mobile devices without much difference from the desktop.

Week 6:

The user interface, web interface, uniform resource locators (URL’s), server-side scripting, client-side scripting and security, SQL injection, and audit trails are the important topics which are being covered in week 6. Week 6 includes the discussion of these topics in interface web designing and security.

The user interface includes the appearance of a website like home page and other pages of Wikipedia. The web interface includes the visual content to the user, for instance, home page, contact page, login page, etc. Server-side scripting language includes ASP.NET, Node Js, Ruby and many more. JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are examples of client-side scripting language. Java language secures the database with unauthorized access.

The content in Week 6 is relevant and important in making user interfaces with the help of client-side scripting language and adds data to the interface by the user using a server-side scripting language. The data security, interface designing and security are some of the important and relevant information in the content.

I have learnt the concepts of interface designing with various tools like HTML, JavaScript, SQL and many more. I have also learnt about the security importance and mechanism for interface and database through audit trails and password leakage concepts.

Week 7:

The important topics that have been covered in week 7 are Tables and Forms in web designing. The various attributes of tables and forms have been covered in the content. The different elements of tables and controls of forms are also covered in week 7 content.

The tables can be used in various ways in a webpage or website to store data and information for user references. The examples for tables are storing data of students performance in exams, table for employee attendance, table for sports scoring, etc. the forms can be used in various ways like for instance in login credentials form, forgot password form, registration form, applying for a job form, etc.

The most important and useful information in the content is about the various aspects of tables and forms in web interface designing (Redlich, et. al., 2015). The various elements of tables like rows, columns, cells, viewports, heading, and many more are included in the content. The form attributes, controls, and elements are relevant in the content of week 7.

I have learnt about the various aspects and attributes of tables and forms in web interface designing. I have learnt about the form elements, tables attribute, form controls from week 7 content. I have learnt to add the tables and forms in web pages through week 7 content.

Week 8:

The important topics covered in week 8 are the benefits of multimedia in websites, audio and video formats, its attributes, elements and testing for integration in websites. The multimedia refers to audio and video to increase the engagement of websites with users.

The examples for the multimedia in websites can be done using the linking property of HTML in which the link of the particular video or audio in the website. The audio and video element of HTML5 can be used in the integration of audio and video on a website. The various formats of audio and video can be integrated using this element (Stemler, 2015).

The most important and relevant information in the content of week 8 is about the integration of audio and video (multimedia) files on the website. It can be integrated into various formats, with various attributes and designing with style sheets in the websites.

I have learnt about the integration of audio and video files in the websites using different attributes and functionality of HTML5 and CSS3 in web designing. I have also learnt about the various formats and elements of audio and video files and adding different attributes to the integrated files in websites.

Week 9:

The content covers the topics of social media concepts and the client-side scripting language, JavaScript. JavaScript includes the various concepts like event handling, pop-up windows, and dynamic effect to the website on the client-side. These are the main topics in the content of week 9.

Social media are public platforms to interact and share ideas. For instance, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc are some social media platforms. JavaScript can have effects like dynamism. For example, an alert message appears on clicking a particular space, an event occurs on clicking like fading or moving text, etc are some examples of JavaScript.

The most relevant and important information in the content is about the understanding of social media and blogs. The information on JavaScript, its elements, creating files and event handling methods is very important. The use of JavaScript and its various aspects for creating dynamic websites which interact with user is the relevant part of the content.

I learnt various kinds of important things for website designing which includes the understanding of social media platform for designing and Adding social media page to the home page of the website. I also learnt about the use of JavaScript in making the websites interactive to the user through the concepts of event handling, pop-up windows and alert messages.

Week 10:

The content of week 10 covers the topic of JavaScript statements, functions, validation of forms and creating pop-up windows. The content includes the topics for creating form validation statements and pop-up windows are covered.

The JavaScript statements are if-else, switch statements, loops, continue and break statements. The functions in JavaScript are user-defined and build-in. The validations of the forms include the checking of forms. For examples, all the fields are filled or not, the number is entered or not, etc are some instances of form validation in JavaScript.

The most useful and relevant information in the content is about the validation of the forms using JavaScript on the client machines which reduces the workload of servers. The pop-up windows alert the user to perform logical operations. It is relevant for the formation of a website with a client-side scripting language like JavaScript (Vaismoradi, et. al., 2016).

I learnt about the concept of validation of forms using JavaScript concepts and controls. It helped me in the validation of the forms on the user’s system. I also learnt about the topics like the formation of pop-up windows and various statements and functions in JavaScript to use in the validation process of website forms.

Week 11:

The content of week 11 covers the topics of publishing the website and its promotional tools. The SEO (search engine optimization) is being covered in the content for promoting the website on the internet. The protocols for publishing website are also covered in the content.

Google keyword planner, Longtail PRO, Deep Crawl, Woo rank and open site explorer are some of the examples of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). File transfer protocol (FTP), Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) and internet protocol (IP) are examples of the protocols which can be used in the publishing of the website on the internet.

The most useful and relevant information in the content is about the publishing of the website using various protocols and acquiring a domain name (Yao, et. al., 2015). Also promoting the website using the search engine optimization tools like Google keyword planner for increasing its rate of found on the internet. The FTP protocol in connecting with the server was also important.

I learnt about various aspects of publishing the website on the internet by buying a domain name and selecting URLs for websites. I also learnt about the process of SEO (search engine optimization) for marketing or promotion of the newly made website to be able to be searched on the internet with registered URL name and domain of the website.


Based on the above-described report, it can be concluded that all the weeks consist of different topics that help to learn to gain new knowledge and information. Along with this, it is important for them is to focus on acquiring new things that are important for them in future periods.


Amado, B.G., Arce, R. and Fariña, F., 2015. Undeutsch hypothesis and Criteria Based Content Analysis: A meta-analytic review. The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context7(1), pp.3-12.

Bengtsson, M., 2016. How to plan and perform a qualitative study using content analysis. NursingPlus Open2, pp.8-14.

Gros, B. and García-Peñalvo, F.J., 2016. Future trends in the design strategies and technological affordances of e-learning. Springer.

Hanseth, O. and Lyytinen, K., 2016. Design theory for dynamic complexity in information infrastructures: the case of building internet. In Enacting Research Methods in Information Systems (pp. 104-142). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Mashal, I., Alsaryrah, O., Chung, T.Y., Yang, C.Z., Kuo, W.H. and Agrawal, D.P., 2015. Choices for interaction with things on Internet and underlying issues. Ad Hoc Networks28, pp.68-90.

Nguyen, J.V., Oracle America Inc, 2015. System and method for designing, developing and implementing internet service provider architectures. U.S. Patent 9,087,319.

Redlich, R.M. and Nemzow, M.A., Digital Doors Inc, 2015. Information infrastructure management tools with extractor, secure storage, content analysis and classification and method therefor. U.S. Patent 9,015,301.

Stemler, S.E., 2015. Content analysis. Emerging trends in the social and behavioral sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource, pp.1-14.

Vaismoradi, M., Jones, J., Turunen, H. and Snelgrove, S., 2016. Theme development in qualitative content analysis and thematic analysis.

Yao, L., Sheng, Q.Z. and Dustdar, S., 2015. Web-based management of the internet of things. IEEE Internet Computing19(4), pp.60-67.
