UGB331 Applying Critical Reflective Practice Assignment Help

Part A

Aim and context of the research

There are three types of aims in the research that are included in it and can be applied in the research process. These are triggers, understanding of emotions and feelings, and self-awareness (self-consciousness). To value the expert personality or professional self-image which are shaped by comprehending triggers with practices and potential values? To study the emotions and sentiments of personal identity and professional self-image as an impact of advancement. To enhance the self-consciousness and self-awareness of the practices and qualities in which the professional identity and professional self-image will be created (Volpe, et. al., 2019). I want to apply the first research point which is understanding the triggers as it is the reasonable and proper for the explanation in which I want to reflect on the situations which contributed in the way of making me the one who I am now in terms of the identity and self-image which turned me into the one I am today.

The following are the research contexts: Research context 1- Formal Professional Identity as defined by the behavior and or values framework of either CIPD or ACCA or CMI or CIM. Research context 2- Informal Professional Identity as Self-image using the Alvesson Metaphor framework is given in the research project. To describe “my identity today” in the light for the review of the past experiences which made the point in shaping me like this I choose the research context number 2 which is Alvesson Metaphor structure.

Literature review

Research Context 2: Informal Professional Identity as Self-Image using the Alvesson Metaphor framework

The literature review of this research combines the relevant structures which are important for the theoretical direction of the research. There are various components in the theoretical research for literature review like imagination, active imagination, and experimental learning, artistic imagination. 


Albert Einstein said that I am enough of an artist to develop ad draw freely upon my imagination and it is more important than knowledge and learning. Knowledge is limited but imagination encircles the whole world. It is the ability to develop and motivate the novel objects, ideas, and people in the mind without any current and immediate input of the senses (Tomlinson, et. al., 2019). A person can imagine anything but it is not real. Imagination is the cognitive procedure that is used in mental functioning and sometimes it is used in conjunction with psychology imagination. Some person is imagining anything at a day or more but it is not real so they do not take it seriously. In the words of Mark Twain, “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus”.


As per the view of Carl Jung, Active imagination is the meditation method were the contents of one person’s unconscious mind are translated into narratives, images, and personified as different entities. Such type of imagination can attend as a connection between the conscious “ego” and the insensible. It is also determined as a conscious technique of experimentation. Along with this, it pays creative imagination as a body structure for “observing outside of your mental boxes”. This method helps in sharp an individual mind and body in each manner. It enables a person to escape and also allows exploring a new world, learn new things about the world.


It is that learning which applies the theory and academic content to the real-world experiences, within the classroom, in the workplace, within the society and this will helps in learn new things through different programs of learning. An individual can learn how to gain the opportunity to increase and enhance their skills (van der Wal, et. al., 2019). This learning helps in maintaining knowledge and increase the ability to access real-time coaching and feedback as well. Experimental learning helps in improving the attitude of learners towards learning and engages the learners to enhance their knowledge and skills in a better manner. With the assistance of this, the self-image of the learner would be increasing and better management of the team.


Imagination is very closely and relatedly to creativity because imagination is putting ideas, feelings, images, and things in the artist’s mind (Brandtzaeg, et. al., 2020). The artistic imagination may be in the form of thinking, feeling, or picturing what the desired work associated with. Imagination creates a spacious narrative for the past and present time. It is that place where an individual can free. Artistic imagination is based on creative and they think differently. They develop varied ideas and have feeling to show a common thing in different manner which attracts others.


Brandtzaeg, P. B., & Chaparro-Domínguez, M. Á. (2020). From youthful experimentation to professional identity: Understanding identity transitions in social media. Young28(2), 157-174.

Tomlinson, M., & Jackson, D. (2019). Professional identity formation in contemporary higher education students. Studies in Higher Education, 1-16.

van der Wal, M. M., Oolbekkink-Marchand, H. W., Schaap, H., & Meijer, P. C. (2019). Impact of early career teachers’ professional identity tensions. Teaching and Teacher Education80, 59-70.

Volpe, R. L., Hopkins, M., Haidet, P., Wolpaw, D. R., & Adams, N. E. (2019). medical education in review Is research on professional identity formation biased? Early insights from a scoping review and metasynthesis.



It is that process that is used to select, identify, analyze, and examine the data that help complete the research project.  Action research is the approach in which the action researchers and client collaborate in the diagnosis of the issue and the formulation of solutions that are based on the diagnosis. Action research is the acceptable method that helps in testing the hypotheses in the real world surroundings.

Reflexivity is that procedure which helps in reflecting a person, the researcher provides effective and impartial examination on the same (Thompson, et. al., 2015). It mainly involves analyzing and consciously determines the assumptions and conceptual method researching in a better manner. It helps in analyzing the food wastage and how to maintain sustainability in the hospitality industry of Australia.

In this research, an investigator focuses on analyzing the forms of art based research that has been used to complete and develop the project in a given period. It involves visual art, sound art, performing art, literary art, and arts-based research. Some of the relevant examples of the socially involved in the research that provides how different artistic tools are used in the form.

The auto-ethnographic practices research method has been related to the qualitative study. it is that research method that has been used by researchers’ personal experience to explain and critique cultural values, involvements, and practices (Sumner, 2016). With the help of this method, the researcher can easily analyze the actual situation and condition of the hospitality industry food waste management and sustainability process.

In reflexive dialogic action research, the researcher does not “speak science” and otherwise it attempts to teach the scientific model to the real-world practitioner, but it attempts to speak the language of the investigator. Also, it helps in analyzing the research issues and problems in a better manner.

Analysis of personal data by using the Johari Window model

Johari Window was proposed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham and this concept can assist an individual to understand the procedure of information communication. Johari Window can use to improve the person and organizational self-awareness and self-image. On the other side, has consisted of opinions, experiences, skills, motivation, attitudes, emotions, and purposes.  With the help of such information, people can do self-reflection and update themselves.

Open Area







Blind Area





Hidden Area






Unknown Area


Personal Data Sources

Two data sources have been used for completing the research project in a better manner. First is a primary data source which includes data and information that has been gathered and processed directly by an investigator such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, questionnaires, and observations (Farrell, 2016). Another method is secondary data sources which are used to collect second-hand information by using different tools that includes information retrieved through preexisting tools like articles, books, journals, library searches, and case study.

But in this research, there are different personal data sources have been described which includes learning diagnostic personal data and self-awareness diagnostic personal data.

Learning diagnostic personal data: It is that method which has been used to analyzing the learning style questionnaire in which researcher collect respondents’ views regarding the topic.

Self-awareness diagnostic personal data: It is such a data source that helps in analyzing the personality test and profiles of an individual. Also, it is used to check the emotional survey that is important for examining a person’s opinions and reviews about the topic.

Evaluation of Research Design

Such principles involve methodology, ethics, coordination, collaboration, and originated. These are such standards and criteria against in which all the academic research designs must be interpreted and evaluated (Goulet, et. al., 2016). It is used to determine and measure the nature of research that is required to evaluate the whole study. Research design has various forms such as the descriptive and exploratory design of research. In this research, descriptive designs have been used for developing knowledge and properly formulate the appropriate report.


Farrell, T. S. (2016). Anniversary article: The practices of encouraging TESOL teachers to engage in reflective practice: An appraisal of recent research contributions. Language Teaching Research20(2), 223-247.

Thompson, N., & Pascal, J. (2015). Developing critically reflective practice. Reflective practice13(2), 311-325.

Sumner, J. (2016). Reflection and moral maturity in a nurse’s caring practice: A critical perspective. Nursing Philosophy11(3), 159-169.

Goulet, M. H., Larue, C., & Alderson, M. (2016, April). Reflective practice: A comparative dimensional analysis of the concept in nursing and education studies. In Nursing forum (Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 139-150). 



Today’s world is filled with uncertainties and an increasing need for self-awareness and as a result, there is a lot of emphasis on the professionals and students to understand the voice and identity of the emerging professionals. The students need to be growing for the academic and professional way for the development of reflection. The reflection has been defined by Jasper in such a way where one can learn from previous experiences for developing knowledge, understanding, and practice (Kimmons, et. al., 2015). The effectiveness demands a lot from the reflection perspective in growth and development. The effectiveness of the reflection can be understood by the students and professionals as said by Bolton. It is being learned by the way of doing the practice rather than just reading and following the instructions written to accomplish.

I am considering my reflection approach as learning for this assignment’s relation. My learning skills and processes will refine and improve through the process of reflection. This process will help me increasing awareness in the process of how I will learn and will also help me in the whole process for the self-amendment. Learning through reflection is a very important way of learning for me as it helps me in considering the consequential capability. This capability will help in the process of completing the task which anyone dreams to become as it is the gateway for the learning. The reflection is the fact which is being used in the learning processes in the complex learning for the approach being selected. The assignment will use the methods for learning through reflection, as per the Gibbs model which will help in the assignment.  The Belbin Team roles and Honey and Mumford learning styles are also being used in reflection learning. I am using the Gibbs model as it is a model that allows for the effective reflection for the particular situation and is consisting of the situations of the past as well as the upcoming future conditions. This model also reflects upon the conditions for the development and understanding of the professional identity, and how the situation can be handled by using the previous experiences of the learning and other matters. Various authors supported the process of learning through reflection such as Reid, Burnett, Saunders, Cheminais, and many more. This is very important for individuals to understand the learning outcomes which can influence the actions for their future and their professional identity. The Gibbs model will help in the assignment in such a way that I will be able to reflect on my life circumstances in which the storyboard will include the situations of who I am and who I want to be in the upcoming future for the values and behavior in the gateway. The model of Gibbs will help us in the assignment to effectively understanding our behavior and values and how these understandings will contribute to the commitment for equality and respect. This model will be helpful in the maintenance of the self-awareness standard for the behavior of the assignment. The chartered institute of personnel and development (CIPD) which is an important standard for the professionals of human resource and people development, this is being responsible for the HR manager and the other professional’s development standards and required skills which will guide them to the formulation of the frameworks in the professional HR’s race. This is a very important standard that is being used in the human resources area to be specific to the understanding of behavior and skills. This will help me in developing the required skills and the required behavior to be maintained to become a professional marketer with the help of the self-image and show them the skills which are necessary for the field.


In today’s world of learning, reflection is the most important academic component which is useful in the process of understanding and learning procedures. The time used in the reflection helps me in learning from the previous experiences of the students who had spent time on the reflection for service learning will provide the best experiences to obtain from as a result. There are six phases in the process of reflection as per the study of the professor Graham Gibbs, and all these phases of the reflection model consist of another six stages which will increment to the next level of reflection in the understanding and learning (Ng, et. al., 2015). The six stages or phases are as follows- description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, and conclusion, and action plan. As per the six stages of the storyboard, I will be using the six phases in my storyboard as defined by professor graham Gibbs.

I have felt the embarrassment from my past experiences in which I made a mistake and that mistake lead me towards the embarrassment. This is the situation where one needs to perform the reflection process to help him to develop and grow according to the today’s world demand. This is the situation where I could not speak in front of my tutor and classmates in the presentation room. This situation and awkwardness encouraged me to develop the skills with the process of reflection as it is required in this competitive world. The process of reflection in the learning materials helped me achieve my goals as I described myself in the reflection stages which led towards the resolving of the issues I was facing in the learning. Rather than become an angry person for my own mistakes I took the initiative to increase my knowledge and understanding in the process of reflection on my steps in the past and learn from the previous experiences in the way where all issues can be resolved by reflecting on the mistakes and focusing on the positive points in the past and make it appear in the upcoming future to help one become the person I wanted to be. This process of reflection and its various stages helped me in finding the difficulties I was facing in learning and then resolving them one by one by using past experiences and focusing to not repeat them in the future to become the one I wanted to be. The reflection not only helped me in overcoming my weaknesses but also increased the efficiency and effectiveness in the learning of new things like understanding and gaining knowledge. This is a process that will help in improving and enhancing the situation of the people to learn and overcome the difficulties with the help of the past experiences of their own or others to improve understanding and knowledge.


In the current time, being reflect is essential, not just think or reflect on our experiences, but also need to develop efficient and good use of such experiences. It has been analyzed that each experiences considered as the two-edged sword which means it is either positive or negative. a person should only focus on their doing and working actions that need to be good intentions and does not harm anybody (Fook, 2015). As per my case, I observed that it is an opportunity to have a better understanding of why I felt so stressed. Also, it can be seen in my storyboard that I had to face the most difficult time while I studying in the UK. I was happy when I got admitted to the university; however, this was waste due to my lack of skills and inability to present to the class and my teacher’s unconventional behavior towards the condition. This situation was discouraging and depressing; I remember sharing this on the Mahara and my tutor. However, my previous and current experiences pushed me to have an accurate evaluation of my activities, and my relationship with the world surrounded me. The way I behaved in front of my tutor is incorrect and this happened due to my inability to the presence in class. I had felt that I was not good enough and I was a failure student.

Application of Gibbs Cycle

Using the Gibbs reflection cycles, I have appropriately allowed me to learn with my experiences by followed six stages that include descriptive, feelings, evaluation, analysis, and conclusion and action plan. Along with this, self-awareness has helped me in knowing the professional working and behavior and some strengths and weak points. I required more skills and abilities whole move towards one band to another (Cushion, 2018). Thus, I will identify areas of development, develop career directions, and concentrate on behavior that is necessary to gain success and growth in life. In conclusion, the whole abovementioned can be achieved if I continue to be polite and ready to do work on my weaknesses. As per the McKinney, Humanity is important to have among every person who remembers them to do good work to others with good intention and does not think bad things that can harm the other individuals. This is important for every person is to perform their work and tasks with great intention and always focus on setting goals that are increasing their career growth. I thought that if I behave properly with my teacher so that I can develop a strong relationship with them.


Cushion, C. J. (2018). Reflection and reflective practice discourses in coaching: A critical analysis. Sport, education and society23(1), 82-94.

Fook, J. (2015). Reflective practice and critical reflection. Handbook for practice learning in social work and social care: Knowledge and theory3.

Kimmons, R., Miller, B. G., Amador, J., Desjardins, C. D., & Hall, C. (2015). Technology integration coursework and finding meaning in pre-service teachers’ reflective practice. Educational Technology Research and Development63(6), 809-829.

Ng, S. L., Kinsella, E. A., Friesen, F., & Hodges, B. (2015). Reclaiming a theoretical orientation to reflection in medical education research: a critical narrative review. Medical education49(5), 461-475.
